Lukáš Brychta “Between Interactivity and Narrativity of Scenography”


Lukáš Brychta focused on the possibilities of scenography in interactive forms of the theatre. It mainly aims at exploring key aspects of interactivity and narrativity since the presented examples strongly emphasize the role of scenography in the performance as a whole. In these examples, scenography becomes an equal partner to the actors’ actions in both the above-mentioned points of view. The narrative and interactive potentials of scenography often develop hand in hand, mostly in the types of scenography that focus on creating an environment for the audience to enter and interact with to varying degrees. This type of scenographic installation can contribute to the narrative layer of a performance and tell parts of, or, in some cases, even the whole, story. It also invites interactivity and accentuates the performativity and the situational nature of the event or the performance as it is taking place, and of the environment which is connected with the performance and which the audience enters. Lukáš Brychta used examples of his own works, as well as Henry Jenkins’ classification of different narrative strategies of the environment, to analyse these principles.

Author’s CV

Lukáš Brychta’s main focus of research is selected trends of contemporary theatre and performance practice. He applies the principles which interest him theoretically to his arts projects, as well. He graduated from the Theatre Faculty of the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague (DAMU), Czech Republic, where he majored in Theatre Theory and Criticism and the Directing of Alternative and Puppet Theatre. At present he is enrolled in DAMU’s PhD programme. His doctoral project focuses on game aspects in the theatre and performance of the last twenty years. He is primarily concerned with different forms of spectators’ engagement, such as interaction and participation. Lately, his main area of interest has been the different forms of interactive theatre.

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